What are heat-related illnesses?
Exposure to abnormal or prolonged amounts of heat and humidity without relief or adequate fluid intake can cause various types of heat-related illnesses. Children and teens adjust more slowly than adults do to changes in environmental heat. They also produce more heat with activity than adults, and sweat less. Sweating is one of the body’s normal cooling mechanisms. Children and teens often do not think to rest when having fun and may not drink enough fluids when playing, exercising, or participating in sports.
Children and teens with chronic health problems, or those who take certain medicines, may be more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Children and teens who are overweight or wear heavy clothing during exertion, such as marching band or football uniforms, are also more susceptible.
There are 3 types of heat-related illnesses:
- Heat cramps
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat stroke
What are heat cramps?
Heat cramps are the mildest form of heat illness and consist of painful muscle cramps and spasms that occur during or after intense exercise and sweating in high heat.
What is heat exhaustion?
Heat exhaustion is more severe than heat cramps and results from a loss of water and salt in the body. It occurs in conditions of extreme heat and excessive sweating without adequate fluid and salt replacement. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body is unable to cool itself properly and, if left untreated, can progress to heat stroke.
What is heat stroke?
Heat stroke, the most severe form of heat illness, occurs when the body’s heat-regulating system is overwhelmed by excessive heat. It is a life-threatening emergency and requires immediate medical attention.
Symptoms and first-aid measures for heat injuries
The following chart contains the most common symptoms of heat-related illness. Specific treatment will be determined by your child’s doctor and may include some, or more, of the following:
Condition | Symptoms | First-aid and treatment |
Heat cramps |
Heat exhaustion |
Heat stroke |
How can heat stroke be prevented?
Some general guidelines to help protect your child from heat-related illnesses include the following:
- Drink plenty of fluids during vigorous or outdoor activities (including sunbathing), especially on hot days. Drinks of choice include water and sports drinks; avoid alcohol and fluids with caffeine, such as tea, coffee, and cola, as these can lead to dehydration.
- Make sure your child dresses in light colored, lightweight, tightly-woven, loose-fitting clothing on hot days.
- Schedule vigorous activity and sports for cooler times of the day. Take rest periods in shady or cool areas.
- Makes sure your child is protected from the sun and wears a hat and sunglasses, and uses an umbrella. Use a sunscreen that is at least SPF (sun protection factor) 15.
- Increase time spent outdoors gradually to get your child’s body used to the heat.
- Teach children to take frequent drink breaks and “wet down” or mist themselves with a spray bottle to avoid becoming overheated.
- Try to spend as much time indoors as possible on very hot and humid days.
- Teach your child to warm-up and cool-down before and after exercising.
- If your child has a medical condition or is taking medicine, consult his or her doctor for further advice for preventing heat-related illnesses.
Dehydration and Heat Stroke
The danger of dehydration and heat stroke
Dehydration and heat stroke are two very common heat-related diseases that can be life-threatening if left untreated.
What is dehydration?
Dehydration can be a serious heat-related disease. It is also a dangerous side effect of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Children and people over the age of 60 are particularly susceptible to dehydration.
What causes dehydration?
Under normal conditions, we all lose body water daily through sweat, tears, breathing, urine, and stool. In a healthy person, this water is replaced by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. When a person becomes so sick with fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, dehydration happens. It also happens if an individual is overexposed to the sun and not drinking enough water. This is caused when the body loses water content and essential body salts, such as sodium and potassium.
Occasionally, dehydration can be caused by medicines, such as diuretics. These deplete body fluids and electrolytes. Whatever the cause, dehydration should be treated as soon as possible.
What are the symptoms of dehydration?
The following are the most common symptoms of dehydration. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:
- Thirst
- Less-frequent urination
- Dry skin
- Fatigue
- Light-headedness
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Dry mouth and mucous membranes
- Increased heart rate and breathing
In children, additional symptoms may include:
- Dry mouth and tongue
- No tears when crying
- No wet diapers for several hours
- Sunken abdomen, eyes, or cheeks
- Listlessness
- Irritability
- Skin that does not flatten when pinched and released
The symptoms of dehydration may resemble other medical conditions or problems. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
Treatment for dehydration
If caught early, dehydration can often be treated at home under a healthcare provider’s guidance. In children, directions for giving food and fluids will differ according to the cause of the dehydration, so it is important to talk with your child’s healthcare provider.
In cases of mild dehydration, simple rehydration is recommended by drinking fluids. Many sports drinks on the market effectively restore body fluids, electrolytes, and salt balance.
For moderate dehydration, intravenous (IV) fluids may be needed. If caught early enough, simple rehydration may be effective. Cases of serious dehydration should be treated as a medical emergency, and hospitalization, along with intravenous fluids, is necessary. Immediate action should be taken.
How can dehydration be prevented?
Take precautionary measures to avoid the harmful effects of dehydration, including the following:
- Drink plenty of fluids, especially when working or playing in the sun.
- Make sure you are taking in more fluid than you are losing.
- Try to schedule physical outdoor activities for the cooler parts of the day.
- Drink appropriate sports drinks to help maintain electrolyte balance.
- For infants and young children, solutions such as Pedialyte will help maintain electrolyte balance during illness or heat exposure. Do not try to make fluid and salt solutions at home for children.
What is heat stroke?
Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat illness and is a life-threatening emergency. It is the result of long, extreme exposure to the sun. In this case, a person does not sweat enough to lower body temperature. The elderly, infants, persons who work outdoors, people with mental illness, obesity, poor circulation, and those on certain types of medicines or drinking alcohol are most susceptible to heat stroke. It is a condition that develops rapidly and needs immediate medical treatment.
What causes heat stroke?
Our bodies make a tremendous amount of internal heat and we normally cool ourselves by sweating and radiating heat through the skin. However, in certain circumstances, such as extreme heat, high humidity, or vigorous activity in the hot sun, this cooling system may begin to fail. This allows heat to build up to dangerous levels.
If a person becomes dehydrated and cannot sweat enough to cool his or her body, his or her internal temperature may rise to dangerously high levels. This causes heat stroke.
What are the symptoms of heat stroke?
The following are the most common symptoms of heat stroke. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Disorientation, agitation, or confusion
- Sluggishness or fatigue
- Seizure
- Hot, dry skin that is flushed but not sweaty
- A high body temperature
- Loss of consciousness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Hallucinations
The symptoms of a heat stroke may resemble other medical conditions or problems. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.